March 2019 Issue

In like a lion and out like a lamb, March is known as the month of transition. It was last March I quit being sheepish and transitioned my relationship status with my photography business from a hustle to a (paid) hobby. I released my inner lion and went all in with Editor’s Edge as a boutique creative and consulting agency. This March, as I set out my S.M.A.R.T goals for the year, I can feel the nervous tummy growls that it's time for the lion to roar again. 

We’ve all had that feeling when it comes to our business. It’s like a classic "I want" song of a Disney princess where we sense there is something right around the river bend, we long to explore a whole new world, or we ponder if it's time to let some 💩 go. In reality, that feeling is in the form of wanting to scale up, wanting to invest in a rebrand, or wanting to let an underperforming team member go for the health and wealth of your business. Basically, it’s a feeling of realization that it’s time to be a lion...minus the aggressive musical number and woodland creatures. It’s at this point we tend to lose our c-c-courage, become a bit cowardly, and doubt ourselves. We wonder if it’s the right time, or we worry that it won’t pay off.

We’re then left questioning ourselves on what should come first: the chicken or the egg...well, for most of us, it's the excuse.  

What it (hard) boils down to is we have to buy the chicken to get the eggs, just like we have to spend money to make money. We can’t scale our business or sharpen our brand without investing in the talent that can get us there. It’s the lamb in us that makes excuses to keep frolicking in fields of flowery comfort, but it’s a lion’s courageous leap of faith that overcomes the inner struggles keeping us from breaking out of our eggshells. In the end, investing in our business is investing in our growth.

Feeling a bit cowardly? Slaughter the lamb mentality and pounce on bigger opportunities. Join the Editor’s Edge pride of lions/ You’ll be king of everything the light touches in no time.

P.S. - March is my birthday month and while I blow the candles, it’s my wish to invite more characters to the Editor’s Edge band of rogues. If you know someone who would dig our sassy take on the industry, share this letter with them - let’s be real, we’re not like your average unsubscribe snooze-letter. 


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