January 2021 Issue

You’ve heard me say it before; September will always feel like the New Year, as it's when we often get our 🍑 back to class.

Now that it’s the actual New Year, I use it as a time to clap out the erasers and wipe the slate clean (Yes, I’m aware that is a very dated “Little House on the Prairie”-esque reference).

In December, I challenged myself (and you) not to stare at the lists of items (projects, events, vacations) we didn’t get to do last year with resentment. I did my best to let go of previous expectations and accept that 2020 was a year like no other – and I also gave myself (and you) a (virtual) high-five for keeping my business successfully afloat another year.

So, when it came time for the holiday break, I successfully gave two 💩 about spending the week on my old couch in my new comfy pants with my tween-ager kids watching movies and drinking dirty martinis (For me, not them!).

I took that time to unplug, power down, and prepare myself to return in January, ready to reboot and power back up. (Tech Tip: this is also my genius solution for the various IT issues that frequently pop up for our work/school-from home family – you’re welcome!).

Did our problems miraculously disappear at midnight on December 31st? Abso-f*cking-lutely not! Are most of us still not where we want to be with (and within) our business? Yep. And that is okay.

My suggestion? Before going into your internal settings to hit the 2021 update button, scan back over your 2020 (shivers, I know). Raise the tough questions and consider the types of changes (major or minor) you want - and your business requires - to "dust its shoulders off and get ready to take on 2021."

Then, review your answers (and while the rainbow wheel spins), jot down what you feel you’re going to need to refocus your efforts to confidently tackle the year ahead.

I know how exciting (yet nerve-wracking!) change can be – I like to call it the puke and poop moment (Classy, I know, but it’s true).

No one said it's easy to capture, critique, and clarify the essence of what makes your business unique to sharpen and elevate your brand’s positioning (that's what Editor's Edge is here for, my friend!).

If your focus is feeling a little foggy, we got you! The Editor’s Edge upcoming feature is sharing 5 insightful questions to empower you to rise up and raise a glass to refocusing in the New Year.

Hindsight is 20/20!

PS – Editor’s Edge is gearing up for a cozy winter, our busiest time of year. Wanna join the cool kids? Schedule your 30 min complimentary consult call now, before all our slots are full – don’t be frozen out!

