credit: Peter Lindbergh
Halfway &
Hangin’ On
June marks the halfway point of the year. If you're not as far up the inquiry ladder as you thought, remember that the market is still resettling, and everyone is feeling a little on edge. So, don’t worry about where you think you should be, be proud (Mary) of where you are. As Tina would say, “You’re simply the best.”
Need a lift? Get your big wheels turnin’ with our curated list of what’s inspiring us.
“Fashion does not belong in a museum.” -Karl Lagerfeld.
We respectfully disagree. Inspired by the annual The Met Gala, our Creative Director Kristi Drago-Price drags her family to the Costume Institute exhibit each year as her Mother's Day gift.
"A Line of Beauty," featuring the work of fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld showcases the aesthetic themes during his prolific career with brands like Chloé, Fendi, and, most famously, Chanel. What this exhibit lacks in fashion photography is made up for with original sketches of the nearly 150 pieces on display. While we disagree with Lagerfeld's controversial quotes, there is no denying his complex creative process and place in the history of fashion.
Grab your black leather gloves and check out the exhibit before it leaves on July16th.
Kristi’s daughter clearly understood the assignment with her black and white ensemble at the Costume Institute.
credit: Justin Bettman for Sundance
Any ‘80s kid worth their AquaNet had a thing for Michael J. Fox. If you’re anything like us, that feeling never disappeared…even if the Teen Beat posters did. Feeling nostalgic for a hearty dose of Alex P. Keaton (with a dash of Marty McFly thrown in), check out Still, a documentary currently streaming on Apple TV+.
Recounting what happens when an incurable optimist is confronted with an incurable disease, it's filled with adventure, romance, comedy, and drama — kinda like watching a Michael J. Fox movie!
Whether starring in iconic movies (Back to the Future...Teen Wolf 😉) or tirelessly advocating for Parkinson's research, Fox still holds a spot in our hearts. His message with this film is clear: appreciate the life you've been given and never stop moving forward.
Located sixty floors up, with skyline views of the city that’ll distract you from your dessert, Manhatta is a culinary love letter to New York City.
Whether enjoying the fresh seasonal menu or multi-course option, your taste buds won’t know what hit them, thanks to Executive Chef Justin Bogle’s culinary mastery.
A concept of Danny Meyer (who literally wrote the book on hospitality), Manhatta is an immersive experience that embodies the spirit of a tried-and-true New Yorker.
Whether you’re a working parent to a kid or a critter, the start of summer can have you feelin’ anything but easy breezy.
We aptly refer to June as “Junesanity” (June + insanity) around here because the constant schedule juggling has us losing our ever-loving minds. If you can relate and are feeling the heat rise in your work/life balance, walk down memory lane with this gem from the Letter from the Editor archives.
Created by three wedding industry powerhouses – who happen to be Editor’s Edge colleagues, clients, and friends— the Learning Library by Educate | Empower| Encourage is an online hub for business owners in the events space.
Featuring a collective of over 130 episodes full of tips, tricks, and revelations, this one-of-a-kind collection covers topics ranging from finding luxury clients to running a 7-figure empire. Use the code “KRISTI4997” at checkout for 20% off, and (shameless plug alert!) while you’re there, check out episode 24 with Editor’s Edge.