photo: Murat Suyur


Side-eyeing the competition killing your confidence? We’re sharing our top 7 strategies to win it back.

We made it through the first quarter! As the days get longer, we should be strategizing our business goals for rest of the year and basking in the glow of our productivity...not getting sidetracked by what our industry friends are doing. You know, the "friend" in the networking group who always seems to be sunning themselves on a fancy fam trip or (not so) subtly bragging about their "best of" list placement.

A few moments of innocent Insta-scrolling can knock you off your confidence game, leaving you feeling listless and insecure. Falling into the comparison trap is common, but it doesn't have to rain all over your parade. 

We're sharing seven methods to quickly recover from success-envy to keep your eyes on your prize.




Our fabulousness tends to slip our minds when it feels like everyone is slaying around us. Stop! Recognize. You are the sh*t and are getting 💩 done on the daily. Whether landing a feature, receiving praise from a former client, or simply sending credit card statements to your bookkeeper, all wins are worthy of your mental highlight reel.


When your mind starts racing with resentment, reciting a short mantra can help you to slow your roll. Try this Zen move: put your hand out in front of you (we'll wait), take deep breaths, and slowly tap each fingertip to your thumb while repeating a four-word phrase. "Eyes on MY prize" is our go-to, but you pick a mantra that brings the calm and feeds your confidence. "Rising to the top," "Imma badass mother-jumper,"…you get the idea.


When you feel your invisible crown start to slide, channel your inner Madonna and strike a (power) pose. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your hips, and chest pointing up - think Blonde Ambition meets Wonder Woman. When you're feeling defeated, positioning your body to make you feel strong enables you to reclaim your confidence. (Cape optional)


In a haze of pandemic-induced desperation for connection, you may have gotten caught up in following every profile under the sun. If you’re constantly inundated with Insta-perfect career highlights, it’s time to go hard on the unfollow button. Those poser posts are unrealistic and a waste of your time. Don’t spend your precious energy on people or businesses who aren’t serving you anymore.  


The everyday stress of life and running a business can leave us feeling depleted. A little R & R (see what we did there?) is just what the doctor ordered to fill our creative buckets. Check out a new art installation, watch a movie you’ve been dying to see, take a nature walk—whatever gives your mind a little peace. You’ll be back to feeling full of yourself again in no time!


Feeling like you’re on a lonely island? We’ve been there. Thankfully, there are loads of other industry peeps feeling the same way. Dip your toe back in the networking pool by sending a message to a fellow entrepreneur whose work you admire. Want to kick it old school? Dust off your Spanx and find yourself a local small business association to meet face-to-face with your peers.


If you’re struggling to remember why you love your craft or started a business, take a sec to look inward. Doing an internal inventory of your professional goals can reignite your spark or shine a light on a new career path. You may discover it’s time to work with an industry guru on some brand strategy or go all in on a rebrand. Reinvesting in YOU is time and money well spent. 

The next time you feel like your confidence is at a stalemate, take some time to reflect on all the things that make you the badass that you are. Before you know it, success envy will go the way of the Walkmana thing of the past.

Editor's Edge has been known to slay a green-eyed monster or two (and slay in general) by creating envy-inducing brands for clients that reflect their best selves. Checkmate!

Ready to level up your business game?
Your move!

PS - Looking to focus more on self-care? Check out the Soul Care Community or Bold Arrival meditations and find your own tranquility tribe.
