I'm clearly on the edge. — Editor's Edge

January 2020 Issue

Picture it! New York City, 2012. It was this time of year (New Year’s) and I just left my “Devil Wears Prada” career at Condé Nast BRIDES. I was there (comfortably) full-time for 13 years as the Photo Director, so to say I was freaking the eff out would be an understatement. I immediately went to yoga to calm my anxiety, capture my thoughts, and downward dog myself into some clarity. While upside down, a flurry of questions (and blood) rushed to my head: 

“I’m in New York City, the concrete jungle where dreams are made of, with tons of other entrepreneurs just like me. So...what do I have that others don’t?”

As I moved to Warrior two, I started to critique my thoughts. I realized I’d been making an ass out of myself assuming that everyone knew what I knew...but they didn’t. 

Full Disclosure: it was incredibly easy for me to pass judgment on the branding and marketing efforts that flew across my desk (and into the recycling bin) from the safety of a corporate tower. But now that I was on the other side of the desk, the harsh realities of business ownership had hit me; there’s no walk-in supply closet of padded envelopes, or an assistant to go grab you one (you have to spend half your day going to Staples.) There is no IT or accounting department, you are all the departments!  That being the case, most business owners don’t have time to eat lunch, let alone become masters at communicating their brand message. Which made me think:

“Wait a minute - I've been developing consumer content and implementing strategies at the top media company for over a decade. I have a Fine Arts education in photography and fashion from two prestigious colleges, and I've professionally been in the wedding industry since (cough) 1998."

Along with this not so humble-brag (and 🙌🏻 to Nars concealer) came the moment of clarity I was searching for. My unique combination of expertise and experience in the industry is my specialty. That's what differentiates me from the rest of the noise. Plus, I nerd out on educating others with my diverse range of knowledge. I am going to empower like-minded entrepreneurs to sharpen their brand communications and give them the "edge." Thus, Editor’s Edge was born in yoga class that day  (ironically, I was also on my back and super sweaty.) 

Now, I didn’t create Editor’s Edge and *boom* it is where it's at now. Like any business, over the past 8 years, it’s shifted, grown, and plateaued.  I'll admit it went on the side-burner a few times when I veered back into my old life with gigs at The Knot or Martha Stewart Weddings or became overwhelmed with my previous photography business (#RIP - KDP Photography.) In 2017, I took the nerve-wracking leap to solely concentrate on Editor's Edge. During this panic-inducing process, I focused on capturing what Editor's Edge truly was and critiqued how to evolve it, which led to my next flash of clarity. 

Yes, the insights I was providing clients gave them "the edge," but they were also all on the edge of something big.” Whether that’s: transforming their business to a recognizable brand, attracting their next level of (lucrative) clientele, or fine-tuning to keep their spot on top, each client required a map and a trusted (sometimes sassy) guide to lead them over their edge. It was this “a-ha” moment of clarity that expanded Editor’s Edge into what it is today– 

A boutique creative agency specializing in elevated brand development and marketing strategies for established businesses.

Editor's Edge goes below the surface to capture your specific purpose, and beyond the obvious critique of your content to deliver clarity that empowers your brand's growth(AKA, I don't just tell you what's wrong, I guide you on how to fix it to lead to your own "a-ha" moments!) My purpose is to discover, target, and translate what makes each client unique. With this clarity, we develop a (visual and verbal) brand and marketing strategy that is genuine to them. Because, truth be told, there is a lot of sameness in the industry right now.

Let's be real, being a business owner can be a love/hate relationship, but it also evokes a feeling I’d never achieve from my corporate tower.  Especially when I repeatedly see determined clients reach the success we’ve worked for, and welcome them back to take it to their next edge.

Not to get all Carrie Bradshaw, but clarity creates purpose...and purpose fuels passion. So as long as there’s a community of like-minded business owners willing to put in the work - then I’ll be here as a sassy guide, whipping out jazz hands, and equipping you with sharp content and clarity that pushes you over whatever edge you’re on. 

PS – The upcoming feature is easily one of our most enlightening content pieces yet, as we walk you through the same Capture, Critique, Clarity process I do with clients in our Deep Dive consultation. However, if you want the crystal-clear Clarity you’d get from the full-frontal experience, schedule a complimentary consult and we’ll dive right in!   


